Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mom Pulls Anna's Tooth


Thome said...

"hello, my name is anna and I am zach and meghans sister" best accent yet.

Amy said...

I have like 8 cavities too, Anna!
She is such a trooper.

Jenna and Scott said...

haha this was so funny! I loved the tooth files and her accent! Anna is cute! well have a great christmas!

Vickie said...

I don't think she has an accent?! but she is sooooo cute! and my favorite part is how she spelled "teath" haha cuuuuuuute!!!!

Quinn the Eskimo said...

that's because you're mexican vickie, people with accents all sound the same, and they don't recognize other people's accents.

Harpski said...

Hi my name is Harper and I have no cavities. I don't have a "teath" file and I vividly remember the feeling right before mom or dad tried to pull my tooth (teeth). Only sometimes it was really scary be cause good ol' foreign dad had some crazy foreign way that was "better." Anyway, Anna is a trooper alright, I always put up a big fight.

Also I love how you perpetuated the situation by saying "we're rolling." you're so knowledgeable about tv lingo.