It's really funny when you hear song that you've never heard before and as you listen you can relate to it 100%, or the song writing and music go together so well that it gives you chills. All you can think about for a week is that ONE song that you heard last Monday. You're so excited about the song that you share it with all your friends. The funny thing is, when your friends hear the song they don't seem to be too impressed and say things like, "it's ok". Ok?
Well today I was on the "ok" side of things. I love NPR. I subscribe to their 'All Songs Considered' podcast and listen to it devotedly every monday. I read their daily blogs. I really value the opinion the have on music. Today, however, Bob Boilen (creater and host of 'All Songs...') posted a song on his blog this afternoon and I thought it was, well . . . ok. He first heard the song in 1965 and said that every time he has heard it for these 44 years its given him chills.
I listened to it and liked it, but it wasn't life changing or anything. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I can relate with all of you who I annoy all the time by sending you songs and music telling you to listen to it. At the same time I'm glad that music is intimate and can mean different things to all of us. I probably won't stop annoying my friends with my musical discoveries, but I won't think anything is wrong with you if you don't like what I love.
listen to the song Janglin. Maybe you'll like it. Maybe you won't